Well, how much time do you have? Because our sole mission is to provide a platform that is different than anything else out there – and do that with intention and integrity at the forefront for both the engaged couples and wedding vendors alike. We’re a team of (current and past) weekend warriors ourselves, so we know what couples need and what vendors want – authenticity.
Our first priority is the couples. We don’t waste time creating magazines, an intuitive website, and specialized events for nothing – it’s to fill a need and desire couples have to gain the most knowledge, inspiration, and quality referrals from within our market. They trust us as their planning resource because we provide them everything they need to plan their wedding in an honest, inspirational, and local way. Without the trust of the couples we wouldn’t be able to work with wedding professionals in the way we do, so the couples will always come first.
Our second priority is the vendors. Which is obviously why you are here reading this, to see what makes Wed different for you than the other companies out there. I’ll tell you why I think we’re different, but only you can decide if our ethos matches that of you and your company.
1. QUALITY VS. QUANTITY: When it comes to building partnerships with other wedding companies, we’re here for the quality, not quantity. We don’t need to be the biggest platform around, we just want to deliver to our partners the best service and results they can receive.
2. THIS ISN’T ABOUT US – IT’S ABOUT YOU: Our platform exists within the industry in two ways: business to couples and business to business. And we want our partners to shine and enjoy the benefits of both. We are constantly searching out new ways to share your information with couples. But we also want to grow strong connections within the industry, so that we can all uplift and encourage each other. We created our workshops, brand day, and the Vendor Choice Awards to give all KC vendors the ability to be seen, appreciated, and grow together.
3. EVERY ELEMENT IS INTENTIONAL: Our magic lives in the details of everything we do. Each post, newsletter, event, photo shoot, giveaway, etc. has been thought through and done with intention. There are a lot of elements to the Wed KC platform, but each of them can be discussed at length to how they work, the strategy behind the execution, how it brings success to the vendor(s) involved, and ultimately the benefit it will bring to our couples. It may come off as too “calculating”, but when it delivers great results, everyone sees why intention matters.
4. WE HUSTLE WITH HONESTY: Do we want to earn your business? Yes. Are we going to lie and deceive to you to get that done? No! We aren’t here to tell you what you want in order to close a deal. Our platform works and delivers results, but for a partnership to work to its fullest potential, it must be built on trust and realistic expectations. When we share with you our numbers for website traffic, lead generation, wedding show attendance – those are real stats, real couples, real expectations for what you will experience. We don’t need to unreasonably boast our numbers when our platform provides real results as it is.
5. IN ALL FAIRNESS: We are consistent on partnership pricing, offerings, and deliverables. We don’t unnecessarily discount and devalue our platform by offering different rates to different vendors. For one, the platform is priced reasonably so any vendor, within any walk of business can access its benefits. And second – price discounting or gouging just isn’t fair to anyone.
6. NO RELATIONSHIP ISSUES HERE: You’re not just getting a pretty ad in a magazine or a business listing on a website, you’re getting a relationship with our team that desires to do all they can to help you harness success. Just as couples trust us, you can trust us, too. You have access to the entire team – 1 strategist, 1 connector, and 1 techie – all at your fingertips to give you feedback and ideas for your business.
7. CONSTANT EVOLUTION: To be stagnate is to be trapped in time. And that just isn’t the Wed KC way. There is a known truth amongst our team that we will always be in a constant state of change. Every element of the platform is being analyzed for improvements and new ideas are being born to cater to the couples and vendors within Kansas City. We bring fresh ideas to life so our partners can enjoy the fresh take to connect with local couples.
8. WE STAY CONNECTED: We’re connected to the industry and keep ourselves immersed in local happenings – we’re your eyes and ears and bring back opportunities and insight from our unique position. On the back side, we also stay closely connected to the businesses we work with. Each partnership evolves over time, so we stay present with you to find unique ways that we can help your business grow exposure. Unique articles, shoots, and social exposure are just some the that we step beyond the partnership inclusions to go above and beyond for our clients. As you grow, we grow with you.
9. BEHIND THE CURTAIN: A lot of what we do is pretty to the eye, but behind the curtain you’re gonna find some statistic following, tech implementing, business development nerds. Our passion has a purpose – it’s helped us harness the power of Meta, Google, and Lead Nurturing to build relationships with couples early within their planning. And while the conversation is desired by everyone, if you want help getting a strong presence beyond Wed KC in Meta and Google – we can do that for you, too. It is the most powerful tools and knowledge we have, but we keep it behind the curtain as we only want to unleash it for select few who are ready.
10. INCLUSIVE: We really shouldn’t have to say this, but it’s important to us, so we want to make it known that we are inclusive of all love and races. It’s important to us that our diverse community is represented within our platform, and are uplifted and supported, as we all are representation of what makes Kansas City great.
You’d be hard pressed to find another company that cares as much as Wed KC. We know there are limited options in wedding marketing, but that doesn’t mean that you should have to settle. We’re here to deliver. And we’re only competing with ourselves to improve and advance as we move forward. There are so many talented and kind wedding professionals in KC and they deserve our best. We’re incredibly lucky to do what we do – and don’t take it for granted. If anything above speaks to you… then this is your sign that we should be sitting down to chat more.